3 min

Buying local is fashionable and so much the better

Image presenting the article Buying local is fashionable and so much the better

The current context is pushing many consumers to turn to local, eco-responsible or organic alternatives. Driven by climate and societal issues, they are changing their habits and putting the planet and their health at the forefront. Previously, the local market was limited to a limited target, but now it is much more established. The latter is for everyone, in other words: it is democratized. Ease of access, competitive prices and an expanding supply are the driving forces behind this exciting growth.

Local becomes global

Until now, local often rhymed with modesty. This supply does not occupy a large place in the food market and the demand consists of a small part of the population. Consumers come in different personas but certainly don't represent the general public. The population is more affluent, pays particular attention to organic products, is better informed or simply has points of sale nearby. Local is still a niche that fits into a market dominated by large agri-food groups. However, the latter responds to a specific and particularly contemporary expectation: the quest for sustainability. Indeed, we are all aware of current climate and societal issues, de facto, our consumption habits have a significant impact. Buying local and sustainable means contributing (and campaigning) for a fairer world. In fact, local is seducing and reaching more consumers. 

With this boost of awareness, new possibilities for local consumption are emerging. Many stores, grocery stores and cooperatives are popping up all over the place and offer a lot of alternatives. We can even see the emergence of chain stores that are establishing sustainability and local as the watchword. Structures like The Barn offer a wide selection of organic and local products in their various points of sale and help make them accessible.

Organic and local products are coming out of the niche market and that's very good news. It is probably by democratizing access to this type of product that habits and mentalities will continue to evolve.

Local goes online

In addition, the current era comes with its share of technological innovations that make the premises even more accessible. Social networks obviously contribute to making the phenomenon more present in the public space. The representation of the local contributes to its expansion.

But a decisive factor in the accessibility of this market is the creation of specialized e-commerce sites. E-commerce is also evolving and gaining a lot of popularity. The meeting of these two rising players (local and e-commerce) would therefore be a very good thing. This symbiosis guarantees a bright future for these two protagonists.

Local goes viral

In impact e-commerce players, many are already familiar with Kazidomi but another site is popular at the moment: eFarmz. Muriel Bernard, founder and CEO of eFarmz, says she has noticed a clear evolution in the local (online) world. This type of platform contributes greatly to the democratization of tomorrow's consumption habits. The OEB also testifies to the major sales on the site: family dishes such as lasagna or vegetarian options. We can therefore observe a certain trend among consumers, who mostly buy complete boxes, with a view to home-made preparation. Check out the report in question here.

The general public is indeed asking for this type of offer. Local is trendy, as is online. It is not a question of co-dependence, but we can admit that these two actors pull each other up by working in unison.

Local becomes normal

By getting out of its niche, local offers the possibility to a huge number of consumers to finally be able to consider sustainable purchasing. The opening of this market is a boon for the greatest number of people and allows more players to change their consumption habits. Product discovery, the search for quality, the short circuit, the practicality of access, so many elements that contribute to this revival of the traditional supermarket shopping model. The store becomes local while being everywhere, at any time. Thanks to all this, the local is finally becoming the norm little by little.

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