Privacy Policy


Please find below the data protection policy of Meet My Job. This policy concerns the processing of data of natural persons, i.e. personal data on the website and via all Meet My Job services. These measures comply with the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR and Belgian law.

This information:

  • Are mandatory in the implementation of the GDPR;

  • Allow data subjects to exercise their rights in relation to the processing of their personal data by Meet My Job.


The person responsible for the processing of your data is MMJ ASSOCIES SRL, with its registered office at Rue de l'Orient 105, 1040 Etterbeek, Belgium and company number 0788.485.185.

If you have any questions about the application of the GDPR, you can contact the Data Protection Officer or the Data Protection Officer (DPO).

The address at which he can be reached:

By e-mail: (with subject line GDPR)

By post:  Meet My Job, for the attention of the DPO

Boulevard Saint-Michel, 61

1040 Brussels


For job seekers: In order to help you in the most appropriate way in your job search, Meet My Job collects personal data about you.

This data is used by Meet My Job and its partners in order to provide you with the best possible support in your job search.

For employers: In order to help you identify and connect with your future employees in the most appropriate way, Meet My Job only collects personal data to ensure a point of contact between you and Meet My Job and job seekers.

The legal basis for Meet My Job's missions for all of this processing is set out in the Ordinance of 18 January 2001 on the organisation and operation of Meet My Job.


Depending on the purposes of the processing, different data is collected.

In general, the following data is collected:

  • Contact data such as: surname, first name, email, telephone, address, national register number, etc.

When a Meet My Job account is opened, the following additional data is collected:

  • Professional skills and experience;

  • Diplomas obtained;

  • Knowledge of languages;

  • etc.

In addition, information such as the type of job sought, the desired economic sectors or any other data that facilitates the search for a job can be processed.

In the event that a Meet My Job file is opened by an employer, the data necessary to identify the employer are processed, such as the surname, first name, e-mail, telephone number of the contact person.


Most websites use cookies and/or similar technologies to make it easier for users to navigate.

This feature is implemented in different ways to identify the user, record the choice of language and compile statistics of the pages visited. In addition, as Meet My Job uses certain third-party media to share information (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram,...), the operators of these media may use cookies to collect personal information about you, in order to target messages or advertisements.

Depending on the nature of the data collected, we can categorize cookies as follows:

  • Functional;

  • Statistics;

  • Advertising;

  • Social media.


If you visit or interact on our social media channels or via buttons or other techniques with your social media account (e.g. log in via your LinkedIn account), Meet My Job may receive data (e.g. page statistics) from these social networks. Meet My Job can then use them to evaluate its marketing actions and display targeted Meet My Job ads on social media channels.

The use of or interaction with social networks is subject to the rules of the social network in question. Meet My Job therefore has no influence on them. Please refer to the terms of use and privacy policy of the relevant social network to understand how the network processes your personal data. 


When you participate in a competition, promotion or Meet My Job event, Meet My Job processes your personal data for the administration of the competition, promotion or event and, if applicable, the designation of the winner on the basis of its contract with you. The processing of your personal data is necessary in order to carry out the competition or promotion, to organise the event and to contact the winners to deliver the prize.

Participation in a competition, promotion or event may also be subject to competition rules or conditions of action or registration.

Additional recipients: companies or organizations with which Meet My Job would cooperate for the purpose of carrying out the competition, promotional action or event.

Data retention period: up to a maximum of 10 years after the end of the competition, promotion or event.


When you participate in market research or a survey, Meet My job processes your personal data on the basis of your consent. You always have the right to withdraw your consent.

Additional recipients: companies or organizations with whom Meet My Job would cooperate to carry out the survey or market research.

Data retention period: up to a maximum of 3 years after the end of the study/survey.


When you contact Meet My Job with a question, request for information or complaint, Meet My Job processes your personal data in order to take pre-contractual steps, at your request, to respond to or assist you.

Data retention period: up to a maximum of 10 years after a response to your question, request for information or complaint has been made.


As part of its missions, Meet My Job is required to communicate your personal data to third parties. This data is shared in accordance with the legal obligations to which Meet My Job is subject or in accordance with the agreements between Meet My Job and its partners.

The Meet My Job platform guarantees that it implements adequate and reasonable measures to ensure compliance with the GDPR and the Belgian laws on the protection of the processing of personal data.

Meet My Job is also committed to ensuring that third parties with whom it shares your personal data comply with the GDPR.

In the event that this data is shared with a third party located outside the EU (European Union), the sharing processing may be authorized under certain conditions provided for by law.

The transfer of personal data is governed by the GDPR.

For intra-EU (European Union) transfers, the GDPR remains applicable as all organizations located in the EU are subject to the GDPR.

As part of its activities, governed by the Ordinance of 18 January 2001, Meet My Job may exchange personal data with various public bodies such as:

  • Social security institutions (ONEm, DIMONA service, NSSO, INAMI, CAPAC);

  • Regional and community employment and training support organisations (FOREM, VDAB, Bruxelles Formation);

  • The CPAS of the Brussels-Capital Region;

  • The European Commission

  • In the same context, personal data is exchanged with private partners

  • Employment and training operators;

  • Temporary employment agencies;

  • Vocational Referral Centres;

  • Local employment agencies;

  • Job centres;

  • Local Missions.

In the context of specific tasks, Meet My Job may exchange personal data with employers.

For transfer to third parties whose registered office is located outside the EU, the following provisions apply:

  • Adequacy decision of the European Commission. List of countries authorized by the European Commission;

  • For the United States of America: the "Privacy Shield" framework agreement;

  • Transfer subject to appropriate safeguards with the relevant third party;

  • Binding corporate rules recognised by the European Commission.

It is important to note that the provisions may change over time. If necessary, Meet My Job will take the necessary measures.


As a data subject, you have the right to:

  • Access to your personal data: This allows you to be informed about your personal data that is collected and processed by Meet My Job, as well as about the processing and purposes of the same, information on the retention period as well as on international transfers if applicable.

  • To rectify your personal data: This allows you to correct or complete incorrect or incomplete personal data processed by Meet My Job.

  • Erasure of your personal data ("right to be forgotten" ): This allows you to permanently erase the personal data processed by Meet My Job.

  • To restrict the processing of your personal data: This allows you to freeze the use of your personal data by Meet My Job, without deleting it.

  • To object to the processing of your personal data: This allows you to object to the further processing of your personal data by Meet My Job.

  • To withdraw your consent whenever the processing of your personal data takes place on the basis of your consent.

  • To object to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes. Registered users can change their newsletter preferences in their account area.

  • The portability of your data: This allows you to facilitate the movement, copying or transmission of your personal data from one data controller to another.

If you wish to exercise one or more of these rights, you can contact Meet My Job:

By e-mail to: 

By post, to the address:  Meet My Job, for the attention of the DPO

Boulevard Saint-Michel, 61

1040 Brussels

In order to verify your identity to a reasonable extent, Meet My Job kindly asks you to attach a copy or scan of your identity card (front and back) to your message. Meet My Job is entitled to carry out additional checks to ensure the identity of the person who wishes to exercise his or her rights.

We will get back to you within one month. This period may be extended by a maximum of two months. In this case, we will notify you within the initial period of one month.

To lodge a complaint, please contact the Data Protection Authority, Rue de la Presse, 35, 1000 Brussels ( ), tel.: +32 2 427 48 00.


The retention periods for the data collected are defined on the basis of various criteria such as the performance of a contract, the period of validity of the data, a legal obligation or statistical needs. In some cases, for the purposes of statistical studies, personal data may be anonymised.