Image presenting the company La Porte Verte

La Porte Verte

Towards a more egalitarian society

Learn more about us

Fighting poverty and social exclusion? This is the mission of La Porte Verte !

La Porte Verte is a multi-purpose social centre created in 1975 by the parishes of Molenbeek. La Porte Verte aims to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of the municipality and its surroundings, as well as to promote integration through various social initiatives and forms of support for disadvantaged people: social assistance and reception, food aid, training and socio-educational and cultural integration, the fight against school dropouts, early childhood care, etc.

The Green Door relieves the distress of many families or isolated individuals. Among the 6 services offered by the association, the Social Service was the first to see the light of day. One of the main axes of the latter is food aid, which takes the form in two ways: through the social restaurant, which makes it possible to offer isolated and destitute people a warm welcome space as well as a very low price hot meal service, and through a food parcel distribution centre.

At La Porte Verte, they aim above all at the autonomy and emancipation of people. In addition to the Social Service, a homework school and a literacy centre have been set up to meet the demand for tutoring and French lessons from immigrant residents attending the Social Service. They have also opened a crèche for children from 0 to 3 years old.

In 47 years of commitment, La Porte Verte has become a key player in local community development with a view to a better quality of life and integration. With many projects in mind, La Porte Verte is looking for new talents to complete their team of more than 50 employees! So, are you ready to join this human adventure?

Fight against poverty and social exclusion

Versatile Help Center

1st social restaurant in Brussels

+ 11000 meals distributed in 2021

A taste of the team

La Porte Verte - image d'équipe - Meet My Job

La Porte Verte is a whole team driven and guided by solidarity and human values!

At La Porte Verte, there is no shortage of cohesion and members love spending time as a team. They often meet for a drink for special occasions such as New Year's Eve, employee arrivals and departures, birthdays, etc. They also organize half-day shifts and celebrate Staff Day in June; It's an opportunity to forge strong relationships outside of the professional environment!

Fun fact: During the covid 19 pandemic, the team faced a massive increase in requests for aid. In 2021, they prepared nearly 11,000 meals, 4000 more than before the crisis. It is thanks to this cohesion and spirit of solidarity that the teams at the Green Door have managed to help as many people as possible in a difficult context.




Average Age

50 %

Breakdown M/F

Our commitments to a sustainable world

Image présentant l'impact n°0

La Porte Verte pursues a global and multi-faceted action to combat poverty and social exclusion through 6 varied services: a social service, a social restaurant, a homework school, a literacy centre, a food aid centre and a nursery. Thanks to these services, La Porte Verte can meet diverse and complementary objectives such as basic social assistance, food aid, education, training, guidance, prevention, early childhood care, etc.

Image présentant l'impact n°1

La Porte Verte has decided to work for a more egalitarian world and promotes the integration and emancipation of disadvantaged populations. On the one hand, La Porte Verte helps the poorest to have enough to eat. Indeed, they have a social restaurant open all year round, which offers hot dishes at a lower price in a family and warm setting. In addition, there is the food aid centre, Snijboontje-bis, which distributes food parcels to people in need every week. Whether in the restaurant or at the help centre, the beneficiaries are always in contact with social workers who help them with their daily procedures.

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On the other hand, education and training are an integral part of the association's missions. That's why they decided to create a literacy center, a homework school, and a nursery for children from 0 to 3 years old. In total, La Porte Verte helps more than 5000 beneficiaries each year in the town and the surrounding area thanks to their services. The association is well established and is recognized locally and regionally.

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The little + :  La Porte Verte has started its green shift ! Respect for the environment is now a major concern for the various departments of the association. For example, they try to actively participate in the fight against food waste by recovering some unsold food. These can then be redistributed to those in need.

By putting social work at the centre of its actions every day, La Porte Verte works for a world where social inequalities have no place. That's why we're proud to support them.

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La Porte Verte - image n°2 - Meet My Job
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La Porte Verte - image n°11 - Meet My Job
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