3 min

Why look for a job during the summer?

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Looking for a job during the summer may seem like a crazy idea. Indeed, the summer period is generally synonymous with taking leave and going on vacation for employees, as well as recruiters.

Contrary to popular belief, recruitment continues during the summer period. So, now is a great time to apply!

This week, Meet My Job gives you the reasons to look for a job during the summer!


1. Recruitment never stops.

First of all, even if summer rhymes with taking time off within HR departments, recruitment agencies and employment agencies are still open. Applications are therefore processed as much during the summer as in the rest of the year. Some companies use this quieter period to take more time in their recruitment !

In addition, there is less seasonality in recruitment. Some companies are constantly on the lookout for new talent and some industries are hiring throughout the year.


2. Fewer competitors, easier to stand out!

The summer recruitment period is still active as recruiters are looking for talent for the start of the school year in September. Recruiters want to have an operational team to be able to approach the recovery with more serenity. Looking for a job in the summer therefore has an advantage for the candidate because recruiters will be focused on finding their new employee and will be more available .

Then, it must also be taken into account that a large majority of people take advantage of the summer to recharge their batteries. It is therefore interesting to look for a job during the summer because it maximizes the chances of being seen by a recruiter and benefiting from reduced competition.

In addition, looking for a job during the summer sends a positive signal to the recruiter that the candidate is motivated and involved in his search because he is getting ahead of other candidates.


3. More available and relaxed recruiters.

With activity slowing down during this period, professional schedules and agendas are freer.

Recruiters are more available and can therefore interact with candidates in a more qualitative way. Generally speaking, summer is conducive to more relaxation, flexibility and above all to more informal exchanges. Less stress, both for the candidate and the recruiter!

In addition, summer is also a time when recruiters visit social networks and other tools on a more regular basis.

So invest in social networks and other tools during the summer to maximize your search!


4. A good time for replacements and seasonal jobs!

Going on vacation and taking leave for a company's employees is synonymous with replacements. A real opportunity for the candidate to benefit from a short contract that will allow him to get a foot in the company. Whether it's a fixed-term contract, a seasonal job or a temporary assignment, it's an opportunity to develop your professional experience and increase your employability.

Then, it is possible that this short contract will lead to a renewal, or even a permanent contract. By working in a company with a short contract, recruiters will prioritize your profile because you already know the company and do not need to be trained.


5. An ideal time to train or refine your job search.

Finally, the summer period is also an opportunity for the candidate to make his or her profile more attractive. By improving your CV via simple creation software such as Canva or with the use of a differentiating format, and by writing personalized cover letters.

They can also take advantage of this time to acquire new skills through training. This will allow them to gain added value with recruiters.


Here! Now you know the value of looking for a job during the summer! With less competition and more time to polish your applications, it's a great way to stand out to recruiters and land your dream job. However, if you're having trouble finding a stable job, don't neglect short-term contracts and summer jobs. This will show the recruiter that you are motivated and know how to bounce back in any situation.

Finally, if it seems obvious: don't forget to rest and enjoy your summer. If applying turns out to be a good thing, it's important to rest so that you can start the school year with your batteries fully charged, especially if you get a job during the summer!


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