2 min

The benefits of having employee ambassadors

Image presenting the article The benefits of having employee ambassadors

In the face of ever-increasing competition, it is becoming difficult for employers to convince talent to join their team. Today, companies need to convey a positive image and develop their employer brand in order to stand out. To do this, employees can present themselves as real ambassadors ! Indeed, they are in the best position to do word-of-mouth and talk positively about your company.

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What is an employee ambassador?

An employee ambassador is an employee who proudly represents and defends your company. The latter is a real spokesperson who improves the visibility and reputation of the brand by conveying a positive image.

Employee ambassadors act as influencers, but are not paid to do so! Indeed, they are neither salespeople nor marketing managers. They only share the company's values and do not hesitate to defend them outside of the workplace.

Some will tell their loved ones how great the atmosphere at work is, others will post the brand's products on their own social networks. This is a real boon for a recruitment strategy! Indeed, according to 2021 statistics, 76% of the Belgian population is now present on social networks. Facebook, Instagram or Linkedin are full of talent looking for work and your employee ambassadors could help you reach them.

In addition to strengthening your employer brand, your employee ambassadors will improve the company's visibility, both online and in their private sphere. Knowing that today, we give more credit to people's testimonies than to brands' speeches, having employee ambassadors is very important!

How to convert your employees into employee ambassadors?

You now know the advantages of having employee ambassadors. Now it's time to figure out how to turn yours into true ambassadors.

Create an engaging work environment

To encourage your employees to speak positively about your company, it is essential to create a pleasant and friendly working atmosphere.  Improved working conditions, relaxation areas, after-work activities, flexible working hours or even the possibility of teleworking... There are many ways to improve well-being at work and make your employees want to speak out about your company. Ask them directly what they would like to have in your structure or be creative!

See also: How to balance private life and remote work

Create a sense of belonging to the company

In order for your employees to become true ambassadors, they need to feel involved and valued by your company. Don't hesitate to set up seminars around the corporate culture, to organize meetings, to ask your employees for their opinion on the functioning of the structure... You can also promote them on your website, through photos, videos or business testimonials for example. The goal is for them to feel connected to the company and to be proud to talk about it positively around them!

Install a reward system

Being grateful for your employé.es is obviously a great source of motivation. Don't hesitate to encourage them, congratulate them and set goals to achieve followed by rewards. Since they contribute to the visibility of the company, motivate them by obtaining bonuses: invitations to a restaurant, goodies, a ticket to a concert... This will keep the enthusiasm going in the long run and push them to give the best of themselves!

Organize trainings

You can also plan training sessions led by internal employees or external speakers to train in social networks, for example. Social media literacy can differ from one employee to another, and features change a lot every year. The objective will then be to give all the tips to optimize the publications of your employee ambassadors.

A quick reminder: taking on the role of employee ambassador must be voluntary. There's no point in forcing your team to spread the message you want: it would be totally counterproductive!

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