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Job interview: the 9 signs that prove your motivation according to recruiters

Image presenting the article Job interview: the 9 signs that prove your motivation according to recruiters

When you're looking for a job, the crucial step is the job interview. This is when you need to show your interest in the position in question and convince your interviewer that you are the right person for the job. However, it's not always easy to know how to prove your motivation. Here are some signs that a recruiter can notice your motivation during an interview.

  1. You've prepared for the interview

A motivated candidate is a candidate who is prepared ! So, don't forget to bring your CV and why not a list of your skills or other documents that will allow you to put your profile forward. This will demonstrate your interest in the position in question. Indeed, preparing before a job interview allows you to show the potential employer that you are serious and motivated by the position offered.

Before the big day, also take some time to think about your answers to the most common questions asked during an interview. These will then appear more relevant and the recruiter will notice your confidence to answer their questions. Enough to stand out from the other candidates !

  1. You've done your research on the company

Before you go to the interview, take the time to research the company and the position in question. Visit the organization's website, social media pages, press articles, values, ambitions, ask people around you who know the company, etc. You will then be well informed about what the company does and what skills and qualities are required for the job. This way, you will be able to answer the recruiter's questions with confidence and more easily show your motivation to join the company. The challenge is to prove to the recruiter that you have researched the company beforehand ! For example, check out our list of committed companies.

  1. You show up on time

Arriving on time for a job interview demonstrates your professionalism and ability to stick to schedules. It is also a sign of respect for the recruiter. Moreover, it proves that you are taking this opportunity to join the company seriously and that you are motivated for the position. You will then leave a positive impression on your potential employer and improve your chances of getting the job. Thus, avoid at all costs scheduling your interview at a time when there is a possibility that you will arrive late or, worse, that you will be unavailable !

  1. You are well dressed and well-groomed

While it's not everything, appearance is sometimes important during a job interview. Indeed, for some companies, the fact that you are well dressed shows that you take the interview seriously and that you respect the company. It also proves that you're ready to fit into the culture

However, society is changing and fewer and fewer companies have a dress code. Well, let's be honest, coming to an interview with a pair of jeans with holes in them may not be the ideal outfit for this kind of occasion. Nevertheless, the days of the mandatory suit and tie and dress seem to be well and truly over. So above all, choose an outfit in which you feel good and confident !

  1. You have a positive attitude

A positive attitude can make all the difference in a job interview. Indeed, if you are smiling, polite and open to discussion, it will give the impression that you know how to be professional when necessary. Showing empathy, tact , and diplomacy in answering the employer's questions will also show that you are able to work in a team. A skill that is greatly appreciated nowadays ! 

  1. You ask relevant questions

Asking relevant questions during the interview proves that you are eager to learn more about the company and the position. It also shows that you are curious and want to understand how you could contribute to the company. So, don't hesitate to ask the recruiter to find out more about the position you are applying for, the company, the organization of the team, the values promoted, and the evolution of the sector,...

  1. You are able to talk about your past accomplishments

Being able to talk about your previous experiences shows that you have a strong track record in your field. You need to be able to talk about projects you've completed and the results you've achieved. This will show that you are an effective team player and are capable of taking on challenges. In addition, you will be able to let it be known that you are ready to repeat the experience with this new company and that you are ready to put your skills at the service of it.

  1. You're enthusiastic

When you're excited about a position, it shows. You speak energetically and are able to communicate your passion for work. You can, for example, talk about your career plans, ambitions and ideas for the company. Also, show your enthusiasm by talking about projects you've already done or professional accomplishments you're proud of. This will demonstrate your determination to get the job you want.

Finally, it is still possible to show your motivation after a job interview. For example, by sending the recruiter a thank you email (link to the article " How to write a thank you email after an interview? "). They will greatly appreciate the fact that you take the time to thank them for the interview and will find that you take this job opportunity to heart. Plus, it's also a good way to renew your interest in the position !

  1. You're ready to make a long-term commitment

Finally, recruiters are looking for candidates who are willing to make a long-term commitment to the company. Thus, by expressing how you see your future in the company as well as your intentions to contribute sustainably to its development, you will instantly reassure the recruiter. This is because they will see that you are serious about the position and that you are motivated to invest in the company for the long term. Find the decisive and meaningful job offer that will mark the beginning of your future career!