3 min

How to travel eco-friendly?

Image presenting the article How to travel eco-friendly?

Travelling sells dreams. We discover a new culture, a new architecture, a new language... But the way we travel now is polluting, and therefore terribly bad for the planet, so how do we travel eco-friendly?

Do you want to help the planet and make a positive impact on a daily basis? Meet My Job can help you with this!

For longer distances, take the train

It's a well-known fact that flying is the most polluting means of transport. For 150 to 300 passengers, an aircraft can emit up to 1350 tons of CO² in one trip! And let's not forget the cruise ships. In fact, they emit 1000 times more CO² than trains. And, beyond air pollution, airplanes are also responsible for noise pollution, which affects animals (whose hearing is often more developed) and humans. The latter can cause fatigue, anxiety, headaches, irritability, etc.

Unless you really have no choice, opt for the train for long distances. If you want to reduce your ecological footprint in the long term and have a positive impact on the environment, the train is the best alternative!

And once there, for shorter distances, why not choose the bike?

Engage in responsible activities

Once there, you don't stay at the hostel/hotel 24 hours a day! We go out, we do activities, we visit the most famous monuments of our destination, etc. But, some of these activities are much more polluting than others! Prioritize as much as possible activities that do not require (a lot) of resources: hike in the mountains, go swimming in a lake, walk in markets and cities, in short, avoid activities that involve polluting and wasting resources!

Stay in small establishments

It is always very tempting to book a room in a 4 or 5 star hotel. We want to have a beautiful room with a view of the sea or the city that is bright at night, with a huge bed and a walk-in shower... But why not sleep with locals instead? To travel eco-friendly, don't hesitate to book a room in small, local and responsible establishments, in order to boost the local economy and support people who really need it.

And, if you're traveling nearby (to a nearby city, or a little further afield in the same country)... Why not camp? Camping does not involve any pollution and allows you to be closer to nature! You get out of your comfort zone and are autonomous, whether you go camping alone or with loved ones.

Reusable items are your friends

No more single-use items! When you travel, take reusable items with you that are better for the planet. For example, opt for solid shampoos and conditioners, reusable cotton swabs, cloth bags to wrap any belongings/gifts, etc. There's no need to buy products on the spot to throw them away en masse and fill the garbage cans where you are.

Do you know these other everyday gestures to preserve the planet?

On site, eat local

Finally, once you have arrived at your destination (whether it is abroad or in your country), consume local products! We avoid eating in fast food restaurants, shopping in big unethical brands, and we go for a walk in local markets and shops! A good way to boost the local economy (such as for housing in small establishments) and to participate in sustainable development!

But how do you know where to stay, consume and do activities while remaining responsible? Well, that's what the Tookki app is for! If you travel to France, this is the perfect app to find establishments that are part of sustainable development! Hotels, restaurants, activities, shops... You will find everything you need to consume better and responsibly. Hundreds of establishments in major French cities are already listed on the application (because yes, I remind you, we prefer to travel to nearby countries so as not to take a plane!).


Traveling is a wonderful way to open up to the world and learn a lot in a unique adventure. But this adventure is even more so if you decide to travel eco-friendly!

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