6 min

Eco-mobility in Brussels

Image presenting the article Eco-mobility in Brussels

Are you concerned about preserving the planet and want to adopt responsible consumption? Use of local products, zero waste approach, ethical fashion: we give you 6 eco-responsible addresses to visit in Brussels.


Newtree Chocolate Café

The Newtree Chocolate Café is a 100% organic, eco-friendly and carbon-neutral café restaurant, located on Place du Luxembourg in Brussels.

It offers organic drinks and snacks with a wide range of vegetarian products. Coming from local producers, the products are healthy and of high quality. Eat responsibly by eating in or taking away.

Specialising in chocolate, you can compose your own recipe within the establishment, which will be made by a master chocolatier in less than 20 minutes.

The restaurant is committed to offsetting the impact generated by its activity by planting trees in cocoa bean-producing areas.

Salle de café-restaurant pour consommer responsable

"People are increasingly concerned about their food, their health and nature. Many of us want to do something about it, but we don't always know how. The Newtree Chocolate Café wants to enable everyone to eat well while respecting both their health and the environment."

Benoît de Bruyn, founder and CEO of Newtree




Yuman village

Magasin Yuman Village pour une consommation responsable

Yuman Village is a unique space of 1200 m² in the heart of Brussels, which offers eco-designed objects, made from recycled materials or from natural materials.

Brussels start-ups, Belgian and European entrepreneurs come together and offer clothes, gifts, cosmetics and zero waste solutions in one place. With Yuman village, it is possible to have responsible consumption and a positive impact on the planet. Ane-shop is also available, offering a selection of responsible and circular products. Delivery takes place anywhere in Belgium.




Bel Mundo

Salle de restaurant Bel Mundo Bel Mundo is an eco-friendly restaurant that highlights healthy and tasty cuisine. It recycles unsold goods and uses short circuits. It has a 1500 m² vegetable garden, where the vegetables served are harvested. In addition, the restaurant is also part of a social economy. Indeed, it employs people in training who have difficulty finding work. In this way, they acquire concrete knowledge and skills. The restaurant aims to be eco-friendly right down to the décor, which has been designed from recycled pallet wood.




The Wild Lab

Salle de café-restaurant et boutique pour consommer responsableThe Wild Labis the combination of Wild Food and Everybody Agrees in one brick-and-mortar store. It is an ethical concept store designed as a café/restaurant/boutique that allows responsible consumption of fashion and healthy food. In the food corner, you will find healthy and innovative dishes on the menu, made with local, gluten-free, ethically sourced and seasonal ingredients. In the clothing corner, you will find ethical and original pieces.





The Local

Salle et comptoir du restaurant Le Local

"From the field to the plate and from the plate to the field" is the credo of the restaurant Le Local. The restaurant is part of the circular economy and responsible consumption with a zero waste approach. The restaurant is committed to cooking 80% of local products from short circuits. They favor seasonal products according to the producers' arrivals. Plus, they cook creatively so they don't throw anything away. In addition, the restaurant has been awarded the Good Food label, which aims to support restaurants that are committed to a sustainable approach.





Zone industrielle avec une piste de skateboard en bois

Located in the heart of Ixelles, See U is now the largest temporary occupation

Whether you walk, cycle, take public transport or car, mobility is an issue that affects us all. In a world prone to global warming, it now has an ecological dimension. We can only wonder how we can make our trips in the city less polluting. This is where the concept of so-called "sustainable" or "eco-mobility" mobility emerges.  Thanks to means of transport that are less harmful to the environment and the living environment, the city and consequently, the planet can become greener. Let's take a closer look at what eco-mobility is like today. 

Ecomobility: definition and challenges

Sustainable mobility refers to modes of transport with a low environmental impact. The term includes walking, public transport, cycling, scootering or even carpooling. As energy-efficient modes of transport, they contribute to greenhouse gas emissions on a smaller scale. 

Promoting eco-mobility means improving the quality of life. Indeed, sustainable mobility limits city congestion, pollution and the resulting respiratory diseases.  However, sustainable modes of transport not only act against air pollution but also have the effect of reducing noise pollution. 

In addition, since the majority of trips in the city are short distances, riding a bike can be an undeniable time saver. These modes of transport are also often a more economical solution than the car.

The case of Brussels 

The city of Brussels is not to be outdone when it comes to ecomobility. In 2020, the authorities of the Brussels capital approved the regional "Good Move" plan. Supposed to take place over 10 years, it outlines the contours of a sustainable mobility policy in the region. The "Good Move" plan is the result of a process in which institutions, municipalities, associations, private actors and citizens participated. Ultimately, the plan should ensure that every user has access to an efficient public transit system and modes of travel adapted to their needs while remaining environmentally friendly. One of the final goals of "Good Move" is the 35% reduction in regional greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 2005. A challenge that the city of Brussels will be eager to take up, with many job opportunities with a positive impact in Brussels at stake. 

Companies committed to greener mobility

Public governments are not the only ones taking action for more sustainable mobility. Private actors also play a role in promoting green mobility in the Brussels region. Three of them are Meet My Job partner companies . 


Urbike is a cooperative founded in 2018 committed to sustainable urban logistics. Its action focuses on the "last mile" and the end of the supply chain. Urbike offers cargo delivery services for all types of goods in the city. Accompanying professionals and individuals, the company provides equipment for two-wheeled logistics activities and trains in the use of cargo bikes.

Bike Your City 

A true economic and social hub dedicated to cycling, Bike Your City is no longer the Brussels shop of its early days. Founded in 2015, the company now includes bike shops and repairs, the Ride Your Future association and a cooperative building pump tracks. Through these various channels, Bike Your City promotes travel on wheels and thus sustainable mobility. Their commitment to the planet and a greener city doesn't stop there as they use second-hand decoration, recycled tools and waste sorting. They spare no effort to "change the city, one bike at a time". 


It's relatively easy to use a bike or scooter (especially if it's electric), but repairing these means of transport is a more daunting task. To remedy this problem, the start-up STEP offers a repair service for all mopeds, bicycles or electric scooters directly on site. This after-sales service for the maintenance of two-wheelers not only helps to encourage eco-mobility but also contributes to the reduction of electronic waste. 

In conclusion, sustainable mobility is a challenge for the years to come. But we can all take action to democratize it and make it a common practice! 

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Meet My Job is the 1st Belgian recruitment platform dedicated to sustainable development. So, what are you waiting for? Find your dream job/internship in sustainability here!

Belgium, synonymous with social and sustainable innovation, learning and experimentation. In the heart of Ixelles, See U is located on a 45,000 m2 site, on the site of the former Fritz Toussaint gendarmerie barracks in Ixelles. Today, it is an ecosystem that brings together more than 100 project leaders.




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Meet My Job is the 1st Belgian recruitment platform dedicated to sustainable development. So, what are you waiting for? Find your dream job/internship in sustainability here !