3 min

Do I have to apply during the holidays?

Image presenting the article Do I have to apply during the holidays?

At the end of the year, our minds are so full of gifts, recipe ideas for dinner, decorations for the tree... that we forget to keep applying! Is this a good thing? Are the holiday season a time to avoid when applying? Or should you apply during the holidays and take advantage of it?

Do I also have to apply during the summer?

The positives

Sending in your application during the holiday season has several advantages to take seriously.

The Opportunity to Be Selected

First of all, we can mention the fact that, during the holiday season, it is an opportunity to stand out! Indeed, many potential candidates choose not to apply during the winter holidays or are too busy to do so (travel, visiting family, etc.). What does that mean? Fewer candidates on the job market, so less competition ! In short, the perfect time to send your CV and cover letter to show recruiters that you are rigoureux.se and motivated.

Recruiters who are sometimes more available

That's right, not all businesses close during the holidays ! It is for this reason that, in some companies, recruitment continues. So this is an additional opportunity to apply and, potentially, get a response.

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More relaxed recruiters

The end-of-year celebrations are a time of relaxation and conviviality. Whether you spend them alone, as a couple, with family or friends, Christmas and New Year's Eve are a bright time when we give each other gifts and eat until we gain six kilos. Everyone is more relaxed, whether it's you during your job search... or the recruiter's case.

If you decide to apply during the holidays, be aware that there is a chance that recruiters will take the time to carefully analyze your application, which they may not have been able to do during the year, during periods of more or less activity. Indeed, it can be a period of calm where the time to consider the applications correctly presents itself.

The perfect deal doesn't wait

Don't know how to optimize your job search? Well, know that you have to be active at all times! Just because it's the end of the year doesn't mean we're relaxing. You can continue to apply during the holidays, and show that you are determined, organized and above all rigoureux.se! In addition, you could be missing out on an offer that is ideal for you: the perfect job could come along and you could stumble upon it during the holidays!

Read also: How to write a good cover letter?


However, there are also some negatives to applying during the holidays.

Potential Employee Absence

Yes, not all companies close, but there is the risk that recruiters have gone on vacation too. If this is the case, they will not consider your application until they return, sometimes a month later. And a month (or more) can be a long time: the time it takes for several applications to accumulate, to the point where yours will be drowned under the others.

Prioritizing Important Applications

Preferably, it's best to avoid unsolicited applications during the holiday season. Be careful, this is not necessarily a bad thing: there is a way to get an interview with an unsolicited application. But, during this period, recruiters will be more likely to favor applications for specific positions that are already unfilled, rather than thinking about a potential position for a candidate who has presented themselves spontaneously.

Sloppy or forgotten file

The end-of-year period is indeed a time of relaxation for many. But, for some, it's a terribly busy time, where you have to fuel up to finish all your tasks in order to be quiet for Christmas and New Year. There is therefore a chance that recruiters, if they are too busy preparing for the end of the year and the approaching start of the school year, will botch or forget your file, paying little or no attention to it.


In conclusion, to the question "Should I apply during the holidays?", there is no definitive answer. Applying during the holidays is a double whammy : if you don't try anything, you get nothing and you have to stay positif.ve, but you may not be spared from the absence of recruiters!

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